
By Miranda Middleton and Ziggy Resnick

TheatreWorks main-stage, 2022

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“★★★✬ Pear-Shaped is ingeniously designed and conceived indie theatre which ventures down the rabbit hole. It gives an inside eye on two sisters battling anorexia, and rather brilliantly adapts dialogue and characters from Lewis Carroll’s Alice In Wonderland - itself more absurd and disturbing, and more attuned to delusion than you might remember - to highlight the intractable dilemmas and frustrations they face. ”

— Cameron Woodhead, The Age

“★★★★✬ This production would be at home in any professional main stage theatre in Australia. When you see Pear-Shaped you will see a world class production...

— What Did She Think

This is not a play about valerie jean solanas

Valerie Jean Solanas shot Andy Warhol. This is the final and only time this will be mentioned. Valarie said she wasn’t a lesbian, a feminist or even a woman – she was a writer. This is not a feminist play about Valerie Jean Solanas, who said all men are a biological accident. This is not a manifesto. This is not a memoir to a woman who died alone. This is an interdisciplinary act of justice to give artistic merit where it’s due.

By laneikka denne and ziggy resnick

Brand X’s Flying Nun Project 2024